May 5, 2023

What being healthy actually means as we age and can we do more

This article explores the importance of healthy ageing, highlighting common health markers that can be monitored to manage positive ageing the way you want. It examines current trends and future forecasts in the field of healthy ageing, with relevant Australian bodies providing supporting notes.
The Importance of Healthy Ageing and Monitoring Common Health Markers

Healthy ageing is an increasingly important area of topic in any Australian home, as a growing number of individuals seek to maintain their well-being and quality of life as they age, enabling people to stay in their homes longer. Key health markers such as blood pressure, BMI, physical activity, and sleep patterns play a critical role in addressing healthy ageing.

Blood Pressure:

The Australian Heart Foundation recommends regular blood pressure monitoring to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Monitoring ongoing blood pressure data can help identify potential hypertension or hypotension issues, allowing for timely intervention.

Body Mass Index (BMI):

Monitoring one’s BMI can provide an understanding of whether an individual’s weight is within a healthy range. Dieticians suggest that tracking BMI over time can help identify trends and prompt lifestyle changes, such as modifying diet or increasing physical activity, to promote positive health.

Physical Activity:

There is now clear evidence that exercise is beneficial for preventing falls in older people. However, that can be significantly different for individuals already living an active lifestyle. Exercise programs which include exercises that challenge balance are more effective in preventing falls than programs that do not challenge balance. These programs include activities conducted while standing, where participants aim to practice controlled movements of the body’s centre of mass.

Sleep Patterns:

Managing good sleep patterns is essential for healthy ageing. Not because getting good sleep is the answer, but because it supports the below critical health factors not occurring:

- Stress
- Low mood
- Forgetfulness
- Lack of focus and motivation
- Tiredness
- Irritability

Meaning, when managed you can put your best foot forward for the day ahead.

What this all means and the future of healthy ageing

As the importance of healthy ageing continues to grow, experts predict increased adoption of simplified wearable & monitoring tools and technologies. Embracing simple, accessible, wearable tools or just a basic step competition can empower individuals to take control of their health and be engaged in positive health activities.

Monitoring common health markers is essential for managing positive ageing. As Australia’s population ages, leading health bodies stress the importance of simplifying and integrating healthy activities into daily life. By staying proactive and utilising accessible technologies, individuals can maintain their health and well-being, promoting a higher quality of life as they age.