October 25, 2023

What do biscuits and dance have in common?

A few simple steps that are having a huge impact on the people working at A.B.’s Biscuits in Adelaide.

A.B.’s Biscuits is more than just a biscuit bakery, although it currently sells 150-300 biscuits a week across custom sizes and flavours. Their unique approach to creating purposeful activities for clients and families involves creating A.B.s Biscuits, with the baking process involving the clients making and baking the Shortbread / Cookies, supported by their Support Workers. This hands-on experience empowers clients, enhancing their self-confidence, independence and well-being. Support workers are trained to cater to each client’s unique needs, ensure safety and foster their independence. Together, this collaboration creates a strong sense of community and teamwork. Clients don’t just bake; they engage in decision-making, packaging, sales and customer interactions, gaining essential life skills. 

Starting out as an idea by Annmarie from All Areas Care & Support, it has now taken a life of its own with Chantal & Jenny leading the team. The collaboration between clients and support workers at A.B.'s Biscuits fosters a strong sense of teamwork and community. Clients are actively involved in the baking process and engage in making the decisions around aspects of running a business based on problem-solving. This hands-on experience equips them with transferable skills and provides a rewarding occupation.

Chantal of A.B.'s Biscuits shares insights into their upcoming initiatives. “We are so pleased with how much of a positive impact there is on all involved and we have seen some real growth of character and personality that we wouldn’t usually see at this stage. It would be nice to look at other areas around Australia for additional opportunities for new program locations, but we are focused on supporting the current one as orders are picking up and we can aim to bring in some new faces to enjoy the baking and dance.”

With Biscuits selling for around $1 each to local cafes, schools, birthdays and some new orders for a children's expo and weddings on the horizon, they are producing a range of flavours from Choc Chip, Corn Flake and a secret recipe Shortbread. Making it is extra buttery.

What makes this so special?

The baking and eventual delicious treat are only half the magic. At the end of every bake, the team of Anthony (Head Chef) and Supervisors Suzanne and Jenny, and Kitchen Hands, Craig, Nadene, Marie, Jeremy (just some of our clients) and their Support Workers put on the dance tunes. Everyone gets involved to kick start the end of work party with a dance to their favourite songs.

This has been profoundly impactful to general life and ongoing routines. With one of the team going from nonverbal to singing, the whole group's personality shone with the positive support from everyone involved.